
Keep Canada’s Forest Sector Growing

Take Action
Forestry plays a key role in Canada’s economy and is one of the foundations our country is built on. It’s time for government to step up for the 570,000+ forest sector workers and their families who keep forestry communities thriving and our forest sector strong.

What's This About?

Canadian forestry has long been a cornerstone of our economy. But it’s not the $97B+ in revenue our sector generates annually that tells the story. It’s the Canadians in communities like yours that keep our sector strong.

In these changing times, we need to speak with one voice to protect what’s ours: a sector that employs over 570,000 Canadians in good, family-supporting jobs. A sector that keeps hundreds of Northern & rural communities alive. A sector that not only supports but is recognized as a world leader in how we sustainably manage one of our most renewable resources. And a sector that is committed to finding solutions for some of our most pressing challenges (Housing, Renewable Energy, Wildfires) and fostering economic reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples across the country.

Forestry can do all these things, but we need to remind government of the critical role we play — and what’s at stake without their continued support.

Email Your MP Today!

Remind them that Canada was built on forestry and that the 570,000 Canadians employed in the sector today deserve their support.

show your support

Join thousands of Canadians coming together to support Canada’s sustainable forest sector and learn more about what we’re doing to support a net-zero carbon future.

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